Energy Efficiency
At AJ Clarke, we are committed to operating our properties with efficiency, not just in the way we manage day-to-day administration, but also in our outlook on the environment. A properly maintained mechanical system will use less energy, cost less to operate, and last much longer. We always strive to operate the mechanical systems in our buildings at peak performance, and when a system needs to be replaced due to age or sub-optimal efficiency, we seek out sustainable alternatives with both environmental and economic benefits for our clients to consider. In addition, compliance with current and upcoming local laws mandates a lowering of greenhouse gas emissions for all buildings over 25,000 square feet.
We proactively take several steps to ensure that our properties fulfill our commitment to energy efficiency and protecting the environment:Fuel Efficiency
Keeping heating systems balanced is essential to maximizing energy usage not wasting energy by over-heating buildings in the winter. To achieve this goal, simple considerations, such as cleaning/replacing old radiator valves and traps, can make a significant impact. Additionally, we utilize heat computers that read apartment temperatures to calibrate boiler settings to avoid overheating and energy waste.
Heat Conservation
We take advantage of various methods to minimize the consumption of excess heat. For apartment renovations, we install energy efficient lighting and appliances. For roof replacements, we recommend the most energy efficient insulation materials that deflect heat.
Water Conservation
As combined water and sewer rates have increased significantly over the past decade, these expenses have become one some of the most significant components of any building’s operating budget.
We work with a consulting firm that monitors water consumption on a weekly basis and reports significant increases in usage so that our building staff can address any leaks or water loss promptly to save on waste and costs.Utility Costs
We retain top-rated qualified consultants to file required annual benchmarking reports detailing consumption of electric, gas, and fuel which allows us to track, and reduce consumption. We partner with Con Edison and other publicly funded programs to implement energy-saving devices across our properties and keep each building’s consumption as low as possible. We also contract on a bulk rate discount to purchase fixed contracts for utility supply costs, including electricity, natural gas, and oil.
Rebates And Tax Incentives
We continuously research new and existing economically beneficial programs available to building owners. When applicable, we consult with outside experts to navigate any cost-reducing incentives or rebate programs that are available to our clients from city, state, or federal agencies. Once these programs have been identified, we afford our clients their options and the opportunity to make eligible buildings complaint in order to receive these benefits.